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Micro Web Site for Criminal Justice Associates

Truth Verification Jacksonville FL
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truth verification Jacksonville FLCriminal Justice Associates provides Truth Verification Exams in the Jacksonville FL Area for Criminal, Civil, Corporate, and Immigration examinations. Our Confidential Truth Verification - Lie Detector Test  & Truth Verification experts will assist your company in learning the truth. Our firm uses Law enforcement Grade VSA (Voice Stress Analyzers). Systems.  We use the VIPRE VSA, Voice Stress Analyzer to include any new technologies of merit.

We utilize the VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer (Voice Stress Analyzers) truth verification instruments.  The VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer are viable polygraph alternatives. Both are useful when the examinee is not medically fit to take a polygraph for a host of reasons to include cardiac, severe blood pressure and other conditions.  In addition those who suffer from panic or anxiety disorders, or minors between the ages of 10-16 years of age. All children subject to final review before an exam is conducted.  Pregnant women and people with pacemakers or heart murmurs all can be tested with the VIPRE VSA or Voice Stress AnalyzerThe polygraph cannot test subjects with these conditions.

The VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer systems are proven truth verification instrument in terms of lie detection and truth verification applications.  In usage by thousands of law enforcement agencies across the USA. Some of the agencies using these technologies are Atlanta Police Department, Nashville TN Police Department, Georgia Tech Police Department, University of Central Florida Police Department, FL Department of Corrections Inspector Generals Office as a few examples. 

The VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer systems have been accepted in state & federal court in terms of sex offender testing and monitoring. Unlike the polygraph the VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer systems have a PASS or FAIL scoring exam result, and No florida lie detection jacksonvilleInconclusives .VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer systems cannot be defeated using drugs or other counter measures that are normally used against the polygraph. 

Contact Criminal Justice Associates at anytime to learn how our Jacksonville FL Truth Verification Exams and consulting services can help your company or current legal situation. Our Independent Professional VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer Examiners can provide a no cost evaluation to determine if a Truth Verification exam is viable in your corporate, legal, or professional situation. The VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer system are just one of the polygraph alternatives available.

Our Independent Professional VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer Examiners in Jacksonville FL  will provide you with the facts to make an informed decision. The results of any lie detector test or truth verification exam should be just one of the factors used in terms of any final decision regarding a corporate, legal, or other sensitive matter.

Criminal Justice Associates conducts VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer Truth Verification Exams for Lawful Purposes Only. We do not conduct Truth Verification exams that conflict with any criminal investigation or pre-employment exam conducted by any law enforcement agency in FL. Criminal Justice Associates is independent, unbiased and objective in terms of all of our professional activities. Truth Verification exams administered by Criminal Justice Associates in Jacksonville FL are on a case by case basis. In addition certain VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer exams conducted for business purposes are subject to the EPPA (Employee Polygraph Protection Act). We do not provide lie detector tests for pre/post divorce matters or child custody issues or other matters that do not have a lawful or valid purpose.

truth verification jacksonville flCriminal Justice Associates is a Nationally Accredited Company. Better Business Bureau with A + Rating . IAVSA Certified VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer Examiners with Business & Legal Experience.
Our Certified VIPRE VSA & Voice Stress Analyzer Examiners can provide Truth Verification Exams for the following applications.

* Academic & Educational Issues
* Clear Your Name - Criminal/Civil Issues
* Claims of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
* Corporate Lie Detection - All Issues
* Criminal/Civil Litigation Cases
* Disability & Workmen's Compensation Fraud
* Employee Theft Cases - All EPPA Rules Apply
* Fraud - Insurance, Medical & Financial Issues
* Immigration Lie Detection - Asylum, Marriage, Status Adjustment
* Polygraph Retesting Services - Using VIPRE VSA or Voice Stress Analyzer
* Pre-Employment Screening - All EPPA Rules Apply
* Students & High School and College Related Issues

Criminal Justice Associates should be your first call when you need Truth Verification exams in Jacksonville Florida. Our location is off I-95 in the Deerwood Park Business Center. Contact Criminal Justice Associates to learn more or to schedule a Truth Verification - Lie Detector Test in Jacksonville FL or other area in North Florida.  All Inquiries and Testing is Confidential. Contact us for a further details at (904)638-2281 or visit our page located at:

jacksonville fl truth verification

Network Member - FL & GA
Alliance of Voice Stress Examiners

All Product Names, Logos, and Brands are property of their respective owners. All Company, Product and Service Names used in this website are for Identification Purposes Only. Use of these Names, Logos, and Brands are not an endorsement. Select personnel are members of these organizations. This Firm utilizes the instruments listed on this website.



Serving Jacksonville, Florida
(904) 638-2281 - Phone
(904) 485-8644 - Fax Number
(800) 224-1320 - Toll Free

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Criminal Justice Associates
FL LIC#A9100281

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VIPRE VSA is a trademark of VIPRE Technology Group LLC